A DIY #NinjaParty {or #NinjagoParty} | i should be mopping the floor
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A DIY #NinjaParty {or #NinjagoParty}

My youngest son is in love with the Lego series, Ninjago. When he asked for his sixth birthday party to be a Ninja themed birthday party, I was all over it. Here's some easy tips and tricks to do a budget-friendly, DIY Ninja birthday party that won't disappoint your little Spinjitsu master.

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
I love a good, home-based DIY birthday party. I did this one on a budget and without pulling my hair out over the details. I seriously did not sweat the small stuff {for, like, the first time ever}. I think the trick was keeping it super small and only inviting the besties.

Most of the ideas I implemented for this party were found on Pinterest from other bloggers. For the complete source list, see the bottom of this post.


A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
I designed the invitation around our Lego friends. It was inspired by Anders Ruff, however my son wanted one with just the Lego eyes the characters have instead of the entire ninja {I found the eyes from a graphics shop on Etsy}. 
I believe Anders Ruff sells theirs if you're interested.

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
To make a long, low to the floor, table, I pulled my desktop surface off of my desk {it's one of those Ikea desks with a looooong top}. I sat it on the coffee table. Then I just used Dollar Tree plastic table cloths on top. I used red, black and white throughout all of the party. I bought cheap pillow cases in red and black at Walmart and threw them onto pillows we already owned. Since these were places where the kids sat, I just tossed the entire pillows into the sanitize cycle of the wash after the party.

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
We used simple take-out boxes for the kids' lunches. I filled them with pre-packaged apple slices, pre-packaged cheese {similar to string cheese...but sans strings} and little rice crackers from the Asian food market. It was just enough for an early 10 am lunchie-lunch {plus cake and other goodies throughout the party}. This was one of the printables I created for the party. I just cut them out and rubber-cemented them onto the boxes. 

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
Another party printable I made was this juice-box wrapper. 

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
I may or may not have mixed my cultures a bit and bought a few things for Chinese New Year. This dragon was just too fun not to hang. The take-out boxes on the entry table are the take home favors.

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
I used more take-out boxes on the mantel to dress it up a bit. I bought balloon sticks and balloons at HobLob then just taped them to the insides of the boxes to make them stand up straight{ish}. I covered them with the silver shreds. The banner-style I had seen over at Movie Muse. I used crepe paper and letters printed in Word {the font is called Chinese Take-Out}. The dragon was one of the engineering print pieces of art that I made for the party. I gave the tutorial on how to make those here.  

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
While we waited on other ninja friends to arrive, we had a little dragon art project {from Oriental Trading} that the kids worked on. It was a perfect time filler while we waited. 

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
The ornament that they created was just one additional take home prize for our Ninja friends. 

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
After the little ninjas ate their lunches, we played Pin the Beard on Sensei Wu. I made my own poster for this by taking a photo of a beardless Lego version of Sensei. I used the beards from Craft Interrupted and just resized them to fit our Sensei {I actually went a tiny bit too small, but that's okay...more like Pin the Goatee on Sensei}. I uploaded and printed this poster at Walgreens. 

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
We also had a dragon pinata, also from Oriental Trading. I purchased a bamboo stick thinking it would look super authentic with the theme and all. Not my finest hour. We found out that when bamboo breaks, it gets shards everywhere. And then it's really a crazy sharp weapon...in the hands of a bunch of six year olds. Niiiiice.

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
 We had lots of ninja fuel to keep the ninja's parents going, too.

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
My Aloha Cheeseball was a big hit. 

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
Frozen eggrolls were easy and a crowd-pleaser as well. 

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
The Fun and Fancy Fortune Cookies were my personal favorite.

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
I also did a couple of those engineering print posters for backdrops. 

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
The Ninja cupcakes...well, they slightly resemble actual ninjas. Give or take. It was easy, though. Just yellow cake and red and black icing. 

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
 The birthday boy seemed to still enjoy them.

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.
These are the take-home favors...in more take out boxes with thank you printables on top. They were filled with fortune cookies, Ninja rubber duckies {from OT} and little wind-up dragon toys {OT}.

A Budget-friendly DIY Ninja party or #Ninjago party.

A lot of the ideas I implemented for this party were from Kara's Party Ideas {where the original party featured was from Anders Ruff}. I also loved lots of the tips {and I used the printable beards} from Craft Interrupted. The idea for the streamer banner came from Movie Muse. Lots of creative inspiration came from the Vixen Made Ninjago party, as well. Seriously. How did we plan our kids' birthday parties before Pinterest?

Source List
Take Out Containers: Dollar Tree {I recommend the red ones over the white...they were easier to peel the large sticker/price tag labels off of...by a long shot.}
Square plates/table cloths/napkins: Dollar Tree
Printables: I designed these myself. I plan to release some of them when I open my printable shop in April. 
Dragon items {except posters, which I designed}: Oriental Trading
Red & Black Pillow Cases: Walmart
Balloon Sticks, balloons, streamers: Hobby Lobby
Fortune Cookies: Dollar Tree

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:


  1. Kristi what a fantastic party and I love that you made it so easy for others to replicate. Love the new hairdo BTW!

  2. My son would have been out of this world excited to have a Ninja party like this. Way to throw a party, Kristi! I love it! I'm going to have to ask you for ideas when I throw the next party...you are so good!!!

  3. This looks amazing!

    Would love for you to link it up at my new Empty Your Archive link party - there is a focus this week on children's parties, Alice @ Mums Make Lists x

  4. I love a DIY party! This one is so cool Kristi!

  5. Awesome job! My son used to be so into Ninjago! He would've loved this!!

  6. So stinkin' cute; so many amazing ideas Kristi! WOW; I bet your little ninja loved it! :)

  7. So cute, Kristi! I bet he loved this special party : )


  8. Hi there!
    I just wanted to pop over and let you know that I’ve shared this post in an inspiration board for a Ninja Birthday Party on my blog.

    Here is the direct link to the post if you want to check it out:

    Thanks for sharing this post! I may have never found what I was looking for :)
