The Easiest, Cheapest, No-Sew Window Treatment I've Ever Made | i should be mopping the floor
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The Easiest, Cheapest, No-Sew Window Treatment I've Ever Made

Continuing on our Star Wars themed's a super easy no-sew window treatment that I {literally} put together in very little time {the longest part was hanging the rod}. It's a combination of my faux roman shade as well as floor to ceiling panels. These window treatments use three twin size sheets, tension rods and safety pins {no judgement, please}.

Little man's birthday party is this weekend {here in our home}, so I was in a hurry to get something on that window. I like this so much, it may be pins and all.

The bedding for the two beds consisted of a bed in a bag from Kohl's, the Star Wars sheets from PBKids and the duvet covers from Target. I used the fitted sheets from the bed in the bags on the box springs of the beds {was trying something different than the usual bed skirt}. I used the pillow case from that set on an extra pillow...because my boy likes lots of pillows, like his mama. I wasn't sure what I would do with the flat sheet...and then...EUREKA! Window treatments were born.

Ugh. The new white paint on the board and batten treatments make the blinds look even more beige.

I started by removing the top piece of the blinds {I think they call it a valance, too}.

Then I took a spare twin flat sheet that I've had from who knows where and who knows how long. In order to get this show on the road, I just pinned it. I was too lazy even for hot glue this time. Sad.
But, I folded it to somewhat resemble the size of the window and then pinned it. Pinned it

Then I mounted the first of three tension rods in the top of the window frame. 
And slung that pinned sheet over the rod.
The pins don't even show since they're on the side edges. Sah-weeet.

Then I added a second rod and pulled the sheet over it. 

Then I added a third rod and pulled the sheet through on both of the rods...just enough to get about six inches of overhang. As you can see my shade doesn't even reach the edges of the window. Pathetic. But, it is just a facade. I kept the blinds in place to use them at night. And, it will be covered by those patterned sheets.....err, curtain panels

Then we hung the rod for the panels. We made sure to get it as close to the ceiling as add height to the window, visually.

Then I took my two twin flat sheets and folded them so they would just barely skim the floor when hung. I used the clips from the curtain rings to hold the folds in place. Then I hung the clips on the rings which were already on the rod.

I honestly worried about using the darker "fabric" on the background layer...but it really doesn't bother me too much. Whatcha think? Could I be any lazier?

For my kitchen's Faux Roman Shades Tutorial, click here
For my No-Sew Cafe Curtains, click here.
For my Painted Drop Cloth Drapes, click here.

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:


  1. I love the way it turned out. I'm actually seriously considering this for our master bedroom because I see so many pretty sheets that are way cheaper than real curtains. Thanks for the idea!


  2. Now, that's my kindof way to do things...easier the better. It turned out great!! I love it!!

  3. You say lazy like it's a bad thing...I say genius!

  4. Well...I'll be! I love the tension bar idea.

  5. Excellent and clever !! I call it ingenuity !

  6. I love it! Totally my style, easy, using what you have, and looks great!

  7. I keep hearing how easy these are to make. I should really try them in our bathroom...

  8. I love this!! I have been working on my son's Stars Wars room as well. I haven't been able to decide on what to do with his window. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  9. What a great idea Kristi! I could totally do this. :)

  10. Awesome girl! Super idea without making a "big deal" -- busting out the big guns- ya know!

  11. Great Idea! I can sew...but sometimes just don;t want too!

  12. This is awesome!! I definitely need to do this for my boys room!! Pinned!

  13. No way!!! I love that roman shade out of a twin sheet. AWESOME!

  14. I will def be making me some curtains really soon. I am following your blog and I would hope that you woud do the same

  15. It looks awesome! And sewing is so tedious sometimes... I say go for the quick fix!

  16. What an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing!!

  17. It looks awesome! Love the color combination too!

  18. Thanks for the nice blog. It was very useful for me. Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well.Thanks for sharing the such information with us.

  19. Love the roman blinds behind the curtains - they'll help to block out the light too. We have a Star Wars fan in our house, but we used some patterned roller blinds with a space print on - definitely considering using a curtain too.

  20. What a neat roundup of recent projects! You should be so proud of yourself - everything you've completed is so professional and so beautiful.

    Vertical Blinds & Venetian Blinds

  21. SO doing this to my sons room with 3 windows this would be a frugal way to go and you dont have to pay and arm and a leg to change if you wanted change! you RoCK!
