Fireplace Makeover {in a day!} | i should be mopping the floor
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Fireplace Makeover {in a day!}

Since we bought this house almost six years ago, I've told my husband that one day he would come home from work and the fireplace would be painted white. Last week...that really happened. He came in about seven that evening as I was pulling paint tape off the floor. And {thankfully}, he loved it. 

The thing about painting brick {and I know there's lots of people against painted brick...including my parents who aren't even a little bit shy about sharing their opinion on it} that it's pretty much permanent. Unless you feel like sandblasting. Which I don't.

No turning back now!
I had chatted with my Sherwin Williams' guys a floppity-jillion times about painting my fireplace. It was getting to where my family wouldn't go into SW with me anymore since I always turned the conversation to the fireplace. And truthfully, there couldn't be a more simple project. SIMPLE.

Since our house was built within the last ten years, all of the "working parts" of the fireplace are actually contained within the fire box area. Because of this, I didn't even have to use heat tolerant paint. I used plain white semi-gloss latex paint {it was actually leftover paint...even better. This was literally a no-cost project}. If you have an older fireplace with vents and all that, you may need to chat with your paint store about what to use...there's rules for all the different fireplace ages {apparently}.

It did take three coats, probably about a gallon's worth of paint total. Brick is super porous and just soaks up paint like crazy...especially in the mortar. I used a very nappy roller so it could get into all of the nooks and crannies with the paint.

I started out with a foam brush for the mortar...which was ri-donk-ulous {and not in a good way}. It was ripped to shreds in a moment.
{This photo is after two coats of paint}.

Then I switched to my trusty 2" angled brush. Much easier to work with. I ended up doing the entire third coat with just the brush...I kind of liked the brush strokes so I just went with it.

So much fresher and clean looking. I'm really happy with how it turned out.

This whole fiasco started with these adorable little cardinals I bought {as a bday present to myself...I'm not alone in this tradition, right?}. They reminded me of my late grandma who adored cardinals {and I adored her}, so I had to have them. I wanted to put them out for Valentine's day. They didn't seem to pop too well against the old brick, though. So out came the paint and I ended up doing a random fireplace makeover in a day. My family lives in constant transition...I hope this makes for well-rounded, easy-to-adapt-to-change kids. Or maybe lots of therapy later on. It's a toss up.

I also created a simple Valentine's banner for the new fireplace as well.
It's available for free downloading here.

The Valentine's stuff is pretty simple...but I really like how it looks against the new white.

And I love how the white looks against our floors.

Okay, I take back the no-cost project part...
I was out $2 for this Goodwill birdcage that I stumbled on the other day.

It took a can of spray paint and was ready for my hearth!

Really enjoying our "new" addition to the living room!

{i linky-party here}


  1. Kristi, I love your fireplace makeover!! I am obsessed with birds, so I also love your birdcage and cardinals...looks fabulous! :)

  2. Love, love, love the white. It looks amazing!

  3. What a difference this made! I am sure you can't wait to decorate for the other holidays now too just to see how everything pops now! :)

  4. I used to be completely against painting brick fireplaces, but I'm coming around. Yours looks so fresh and new! It really makes your pretty Valentine's decor stand out - and especially the family portrait and fireplace screen. Looks amazing!

  5. totally LOVE this. what a transformation!

  6. It turned out beautifully. Looks much brighter and more sophisticated.


  7. It looks great, especially against that dark flooring. I think it was a good decision.

  8. My fireplace looks exactly like yours did before the painting. My husband is against painting it but I think if I show him your pictures he may change his mind. I just love the way yours looks now! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Kristi, this looks amazing! I love the white, it makes everything stand out.

  10. Gorgeous Kristi! It's no wonder your hubby was pleased :)

  11. It looks great! I'm always torn about painting brick...not that I don't think you should be allowed, but as you said, sandblasting is the only "do-over" for it & I hate the thought of being stuck if I decide I was wrong! Very glad to hear that your DH liked it too...otherwise, that would've been uncomfortable for awhile LOL!!

  12. Super cute! I love how clean the white looks. You did a great job. I have a brick fireplace and when I bought this house last year the first thing my sister said was "you should paint the fireplace white!" You've made me think about it...

  13. That is amazing & awesome! great job! I am stopping by and blog hopping in your Mop it up monday hop.

  14. Hi I found you on the Blog hop. Please stop by and say hi when you get a minute. have a great week. :) Please check out my new Weekly Goals Blog hop. You can find it here. Would love it if you would link up with me.

    Love the white fireplace.


  15. It looks great, especially against that dark flooring. I think it was a good decision.

    Carpet Protection Film

  16. I LOVE it Kristi!! White brick is gorgeous! My husband came home to the same project in a few years ago in our old home. It lightened up the room so much! Excellent choice!

    Love Always,

  17. Your white brick fireplace looks FABULOUS! I would love to paint the brick wall/mantle behind our wood stove in our family room, but the husband won't let me. I know it would brighten the space so much since our family room is downstairs and even though it has windows it's still dark, but he just won't give in. I'll just keep drooling over yours.

  18. This was a lovely transformation! I like the white a lot better! And I love the red bird cage and little cardinals! Thanks for sharing!

  19. I never cease to be amazed at the magic that can be wrought by a can of white paint. It looks fabulous and such an update!

  20. love the fireplace the white clean looks is so current...white is in on everything...I even did Christmas all in white, wow what fun...good for you to go with what you knew would be perfect for you...I am a new follower and can't wait to see more...come on over for a visit...

  21. Wow, Kristi! What an amazing transformation. Your fireplace looks fantastic painted white! And, your red, Valentine embellishments pop beautifully against it!

  22. IT turned out AMAZING! Great transformation!!

  23. Hi Kristi! I know all too well what you mean about the family and painting brick. My husband, sister, and dearest friends were all doubters. One day I read on HGTV's message board 2 members had painted theirs and each showed photos and I was ready to go! Now, the doubters love it, too. It only took 18 long years to convince my husband...and it was those 2 board members, who showed their before and after photos, that made it happen. I'm sure many will be showing their family and friends your photos, too. Great to share....I share mine with anyone who wants to see them. Love your V Day banner...Thanks, Helen

  24. Love it!! I also love the red birdcage. You did a great job!!

  25. i have one thing to say...yes. yes. the white is fabulous!

  26. Oh Kristi, you may have started something! I've been wanting to do my fireplace ever since I moved in but haven't convinced Dr. Love that it would look great. I'm calling him in to see your before & after pictures right now!

  27. What a beautiful transformation of your fireplace, it's beautiful. I did the same thing. Come over to my blog and my before and after pics of my fireplace is on my sidebar on the right. I love mine, don't know why I didn't do it years ago.

  28. Gorgeous! I just showed my husband your pictures and he came to our side! He has always been against painting the brick but now he's sold! THANK YOU!!! And your fireplace really looks beautiful!

  29. Looks awesome! I've been dying to paint ours, too.

  30. Your fireplace looks great!! What a difference it has made painting those bricks!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  31. I can see how it would be a little scary painting over brick! The fireplace looks great white! Thanks for linking this post up to Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop!

  32. Love your turned out so pretty! Thanks for sharing with our Kitchen Fun & Crafty link party!:)

  33. Amazing what a little {free} paint does!!! It looks wonderful and definitely does now make those cardinals pop! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Jenn :)

  34. The white looks great!! Glad you went with what you wanted!
