Friday's Freebie: Fill-In-The-Blank Thank You Notes | i should be mopping the floor
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Friday's Freebie: Fill-In-The-Blank Thank You Notes

Last year, I was in several local craft bazaars and sold packs of these like crazy...I was shocked and excited at the same time! These notes make it easy for early-writers to be able to send their appreciation along to others. Perfect for the holidays or birthdays. 

Before downloading any of my free printables, kindly give a follow to my blog. Please and thank you.

To see my entire collection of free printables, click here.
For information on printing free printables {and getting the most out of these freebies and others}, click here.

To download, click on the image of your choice {print on cardstock}:


{i linky-party here}


  1. Cute! I love the cupcakes and monsters! Thanks for sharing Kristi. :) Have a great weekend!


  2. Love these! I never even heard of writing thank you notes until I got married. I want my kids to grow up being thankful and appreciative of what they have - especially gifts.

  3. These are great! Thanks for sharing these and I hope you sell many, many more of them. It's very kind of you to provide the printables. Thanks!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and fun talent!!

  5. What a cute idea, Kristi. It's perfect for littler children. Thanks for sharing.

  6. These are cute. I've purchased cards like these in the past, but sometimes they are hard to find. I think they are a great way to help beginner writers learn how to write appropriate thank you notes. Thank you for sharing these printables. I'm saving this to come back when I need some!

  7. Can"t wait to print these. TFS!
