In Our Lunch Box This Week {No. 10} | i should be mopping the floor
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In Our Lunch Box This Week {No. 10}

It's been a fun lunch week...we have a boy who gets to go to Legoland for his birthday this weekend. This gave me a lot of Bento ideas.

Easy Peasy
Ham & cheese on a bread round, fruit chew strips, grapes, letter pretzels

Eight is Great
Ham & cheese on bread round with eight cheese candles, eight pieces of fruit chews, eight carrot sticks, letter pretzels and grapes {and candy since it's birthday week}

School of Fish
Peanut butter & jelly sandwich {cut with fish cutter}, goldfish, egg molded into fish shape, grapes and fish grahams 

Lego City
Lego ham & cheese sandwich {I made the circles with the top of a spice jar as a cutter...glued on with mustard}, granola bar, Lego-man cheese head & crackers, carrots & grapes


  1. I love the idea of seperating the food with the silicon cupcake thingies. Genius.

  2. Where did you find this divided lunch containers? I've been looking everywhere for something like this for BabyGirl's lunches at daycare!
    PS lunches look yummy too.

    1. They're just Gladware containers - like a Target or a Walmart in the food storage section!


    2. Thanks, Liz & Mary! I also like the brand "Easy Lunch Boxes"...I purchased them off of Amazon. Also, the stainless steel one {in the first photo} is called "Lunch Bots"'s my absolute favorite! It's also on Amazon. Thanks bunches for stopping by!

  3. I use these containers for lunch at home - I love that you use cupcake liners for extra "pockets" very clever!


  4. Very cute! My boys love Lego sandwiches!
