Free Printable Children's Schedules | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Printable Children's Schedules

The Free Printable Children's Schedules have been updated and improved. The original 2012 printable schedule suffered a bit of a technical issue on a previous server it was housed on. For your computer's safety, I removed it and have redesigned a new children's schedule for you. It's now housed in a new spot and in a new post.Old Printable Schedule
 Grab the new design below.

Free Printable Children's Schedules 

Kids' Morning Routine
I'm truly sorry if you came here looking for our original printable children's schedules. It's a long story...and although I tried long and hard to fix it, it just wasn't meant to be. Instead, I hope you find the NEW Morning Routine Printable below a lovely alternative. Head to its post here to grab this new printable children's schedule for yourself. 
Rainbow Printable
Mornings can be a breeze thanks to a handy printable children's schedule.

Or find another version of printable children's schedules from one of my blogging friends:


  1. these are so cute! I could definitely use them, only my kids do prayers at school! maybe I could put something over that box? not sure!

  2. thanks! I was going to make my own, but downloading this one would be so much easier (and cuter than mine:)) we don't start til tuesday.

  3. So cute! I think I will need to print one for my new daughter, she just started school and is not a morning person, like her Mom! Lol!

  4. Kristi! I love this! I actually made a hand drawn schedule for Colton (my 5 year old) last year and he laughed at my pictures :) I think he will love this and I'm hoping it will make our mornings less stressful too! You are so creative!

  5. Cute Printable! However, the blonde haired boy one would not download for me. The others I needed worked great. Any suggestions?

    1. Kari-- Thank you so much for letting me know! Somehow the link was broken on the blond boy's printable. I have gone in and fixed it now. I appreciate the heads up! Have a great weekend!


  6. Hi Kristi! I am proud to say I am your 99th Linky Follower! Thank you so much for this awesome printable. Your work is so amazing! Hope you are having a fantastic weekend too! xoxo Malia

  7. This is so great! My daughter is still too young for it, but I am pinning it for a few years from now. So cute. I found you at the Just Something I Whipped Up party.

  8. Great printables Kristi! We had something similar to this stuck to our fridge for the kids to follow each morning. It's disappeared somewhere now (?) but fortunately it lasted long enough to get them in the routine!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  9. This is a great idea, Kristi! My 1st grader is always complaining that he doesn't have time to play in the morning but it usually comes down to the fact that he dilly-dallies between the things he needs to do before he gets on the bus. Maybe a visual reminder like this would help.

  10. What a great print out for kids! I have three boys and this will really come in handy in my house! Thanks! Your new follower from

  11. Kristi, I LOVE these! They are so adorable!!! I wish my little guy was ready for this because this is totally his thing! TFS


  12. I love it! Thank you so much for posting on Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you'll be back this week to link up some more great ideas! Have a great rest of the week!

    1. You are a featured favorite this week on Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes! Thanks again for sharing! Can't wait to see what you've been up to this week! :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. These are so great I can't wait for you to come link them up today at Miss Information!

  15. As a behavioral therapist for autistic children and a mother myself I know how helpful charts like this can be. Thanks for making it so easy for people help their children succeed and become more independent! I found your blog through ginger snap crafts and I love your furniture ideas as well!

    Julie @

  16. Thank you so very much for making these in all colors. It is nice to have something that looks like you no matter what beautiful skin tone you have. These are perfect for my 5yo who can't keep up with what she"s doing in the am. Thanks again!

  17. This is just what I've been looking for. My four year old son will love it. He just reminded me that he needed his chart to get ready in the mornings.

  18. Hope this doesn't post twice. I love this, the colors, pictures, etc. but need to change it a bit. Is there any way to edit? I am not computer savvy.
