DIY Character Autograph Book | i should be mopping the floor
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DIY Character Autograph Book

Want to guess where we are headed for our Spring Break? Yippee...we are heading to California! We're planning to see family and of course, spend some serious time with our favorite mouse!

I loved getting character autographs as a kiddo when I visited Disneyland. I know my boys will, too...they both have their faves that they hope to meet in person. I wanted to create a personalized autograph book for them to carry around with them. 

I found these index card books at Walmart for $3.47 each (awesome since park autograph books are anywhere from $10-$20). They were perfect. The cards inside are nice & thick so the Sharpies won't bleed through (characters love using a good Sharpie...I think it's easier to grip with gloves on!). Plus, if I want to add photos of the kids with characters later, these are a good size for that. 

These were the other items I used for this project.

I measured out my cover (it gave measurements on the cover, but with the spiral binding, it extended a bit longer).

In Photoshop Elements, I created an image for the cover. I printed them (at Kinko's...they have great quality) on cardstock. I wanted cardstock so once they were Mod Podged the black from the cover wouldn't show through.

I used a different Mod Podge method...and loved it!! No bubbles! I used my foam brush to spread on a thin layer of the Mod Podge. Then I blew on it and fanned it for a few minutes so it wasn't too wet. Just really sticky/tacky.

Then I applied the image. I smoothed it out with my finger tips.

Then...the most IMPORTANT step....WALK AWAY!! Let this dry completely before applying your top coat. It was hard to resist. I wanted to pick up my brush and coat it up...but I didn't!

Once it's dry, it's safe to give it a top coat. I used my skinny brush to get between the spirals. I know this didn't have any of the actual image on it, but I wanted the entire cover to have a nice, even uniform look to it. 

I finished the rest of it with my foam brush. Then let it dry and gave it a second top coat. 

And there it is!! Bubble free and all! Ready to be filled with signatures from special friends.

UPDATE! Here they are in action at Disneyland:
My only other tip is that if you make this particular style of book, take a freezer-type ziploc bag in your backpack in the park, too. Would have been nice to protect the book on the wet rides...but it was okay...just got a bit sticky!

And the big clickable (non-cap) Sharpies worked fabulously!

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  1. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a GREAT idea!!!! My niece and nephew went to Disney a few weeks ago.. they would have died for an autograph book!

    Check out my blog too :)

  2. How cute! We are planning a Disney vacation. I will have to make some of these for my kiddos. Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. I LOVE the autograph books! So awesome!!! I would love for you to link up at my party going on now!


  4. Good grief! You are full of amazing ideas! Thank-you so much for sharing at Pin'inpiration Thursday C:

    Hope you pop by on Saturday to check-out our new party and I'll be back on Monday to be part of yours.

  5. I LOVE this idea!!! I only wish I was going to disney to do this! I'll figure out something for my daughter!! Thanks so much!!

  6. You are one super talented gal! :) Thank you so very much for linking up with us today on Fabulous Friday. I would love to see you there every week. Love you blog! Have a very blessed weekend.

  7. Ooh I love that! Really cute!

    - Adele @ Mammy Made

  8. ooooh, i love these! i'm a sucker for anything disney and these are just darling. i'd love to have you link this up to our Sunday Best party.

  9. Absolutely LOVE it!! Thank you for sharing! We are going to disney this summer and I wanted to make our own autograph books this time. Definitely taking a trip to walmart. :)

  10. These are darling! What an amazing idea. I want to make some for our next Disneyland trip! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  11. OK, I SERIOUSLY love this! I am getting ready to take my son on a surprise Disney Cruise and want to make a book. Can you give me the UPC code on those books? I'm having trouble finding them online and need to grab one! :)

    1. April, I'm so sorry, but the UPC was on the white part which I discarded when I created them. They are in the office area at Walmart...they have several other colors as well (hot pink, etc.). Sorry to not be more help! ;)

    2. No worries, I finally found something that would work and is similar through Barnes and Noble and it wasn't too bad in price either. I am finally applying mod podge today! :)

  12. Love your cover...would you be willing to share your design file?

    1. Goodness, I feel terrible, but I never save files for myself! I save my client graphics, but try to be judicious with my space and save it for them!! I'm so sorry! The font was a free font called "walt" or something similar. :)

  13. Do those index card books come in 4 x 6 size too? That would be perfect to add 4x6 photos to after the trip.

  14. Oh I can think of so many uses for one of these! How cute...and easy too.

  15. Do you mind sharing your template for this? It's sooooo cute!
