DIY $4 Darth Vader Picture | i should be mopping the floor
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DIY $4 Darth Vader Picture

I was needing an inexpensive backdrop for my son's Star Wars birthday party (it took place this morning...can't wait to show you all the FUN we had). Darth Vader is his favorite character. Lucky for me...Darth is color free and was the perfect opportunity to a twist on the amazing Mandy's Giant Picture.

I photographed my kiddo's Darth mask on my white desk. I took it into PSE and "cut" it out to place on a grey background. I sized it to 18x24 and uploaded it to Staples for an Engineer Print (so cheap...only $ I found a discount code to take 20% off). If you decide to do something like this yourself, be sure to order an actual Engineer Print...their quality isn't as stellar as a normal print, but truly, it didn't matter to me for this project. 

I had two printed (just in case)! I trimmed the white border off. I purchased a black foam board from HobLob (with my 40% off coupon) which came to less than $2. 

I Mod Podged it. And it bubbled. So I went with the second print. This time, I allowed the Mod Podge to completely dry before going over with a top coat. It helped quite a bit. It still had that weathered look to it, but I was kind of okay with that...a little vintage Star Wars never hurt anyone. 

This was it at the party today...with my glaring flash (the party wasn't in my home, so I really didn't have much control over the background crazineness...argh). 

A project on my list is redoing little man's room into a (you guessed it) Star Wars theme room. He's tired of the "kiddie stuff" he's got going on in there now. I can't wait to have this in his room...either leaning on a shelf or maybe with some command adhesive to the wall. I like the durability of the foam core it's on...makes it easy to use and "lean" or attach to wherever we want it. 

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  1. That's awesome. My hubby would like this, but he'd like Yoda better!

  2. this looks great! you did a fabulous job.


  3. Hey! I love your blog and all of the awesome ideas you have. My fiance and I really want to make the pallet heart! I have just awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award. If you get a chance, pop on by over to check it out:)


  4. Love it!! It is amazing the different things we can think up for our kids when we want something out of the box. Did he like the VW commercial that was on during the SuperBowl? I Love that too! Thanks for linking up over at SweetTalkin' Sunday.

  5. You sure are one creative girl, your Darth vader is so cool! Your kids must of been ecstatic with it. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best.
