Rain Gutter Bookshelves | i should be mopping the floor
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Rain Gutter Bookshelves

I have found a bunch of ideas for kids' bookshelves, but none have really seemed as easy and inexpensive as the rain gutter bookshelves that are blowing up my Pinterest boards! LOVE 'em.

It couldn't have been any easier. We used THIS tutorial. We cut the 10' gutter in half (turn it over to cut, don't attempt to cut from top to bottom). We didn't actually sand the edges since we were using the end caps (BTW, be sure to grab separate LEFT and RIGHT end caps).

Attach the gutter brackets to the wall (we used three for a five foot shelf). Make sure to get one or two of them into a stud. Then simply slide the gutter into the brackets. 

Then fill them up! LOVE that my kiddos can see the front of the books...makes them pick them up more!

The one on the top bunk was a lot easier without all the bending-crouching-installation!

I love seeing the photos of the gutter shelves with several in a row! So fun!
This is an easy project that can be done in an hour or two. LOVE!

Partying here: Delightful Order, Savvy Southern Style, The Thrifty Home, Blue Cricket Design, Somewhat Simple, The Shabby Creek Cottage, Katie's Nesting Spot, Show & Tell Friday at My Romantic Home, Ta-Da Tuesday, Fingerprints on the Fridge, Weekend Bloggy Reading at Serenity Now, Homemaker in Heels, Between Naps on the Porch


  1. My daughter did this in her daughters room. She stacked three of them and it holds so many books with no sag in the gutter.

  2. We built these in my mom's classroom and they are the BEST!! Such a great way to display books (and so much easier for kids to get and put the books back)
    :0) Laurie

  3. Love this idea and yours look great!! I'm sure your boys love them.

    Visiting from Serenity Now...

  4. Such a great idea! Just what I was looking for :) Thanks for sharing. Love all the room decor!
    Happy New Year!

  5. We did these in our oldest son's bedroom as well, they are so cute and functional! Thanks for sharing the tutorial:)
    Krista @thehappyhousie.com

  6. Truly great work. Love the shower in your gallery. Will be back for sure. Liquid Roofing EPDM

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