i should be mopping the floor: Free Scripture Printable
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Free Scripture Printable

INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the design of your choice below. It will take you to a download page. Click the word 'DOWNLOAD' in the middle of that page. Your image will immediately begin downloading. These 8x10 printables are designed to print on a letter-sized page. Just trim for framing.

Free Scripture Printable: Psalm 138:1 | Four Designs Available | Instant Downloads     Free Scripture Printable: Psalm 138:1 | Four Designs Available | Instant Downloads

Free Scripture Printable: Psalm 138:1 | Four Designs Available | Instant Downloads     Free Scripture Printable: Psalm 138:1 | Four Designs Available | Instant Downloads

Free Scripture Printable: Psalm 138:1 | Four Designs Available | Instant Downloads


  1. They are all so pretty. I can't choose a favorite.

  2. How do you choose one? So pretty and I love the verse. Thank you!

  3. Thank you for the lovely printables! They are so beautiful!

  4. I really appreciate all of your printables and the quality you put into each one!
    Thank you so much for these!

  5. Thanks once again for sharing your beautiful files - they are certainly appreciated

    1. Hi Kendell! You are so very welcome! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving some comment love! xoxo
