Mason Jar Lid Bird Feeder | i should be mopping the floor
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Mason Jar Lid Bird Feeder

This post for a Mason Jar Lid Bird Feeder contains affiliate links. I make a small portion when these links are used, at no additional cost to you.

This Mason Jar Lid Bird Feeder is such a fun and simple little project to bring some tweets to all of your feathered friends. This is a great craft to do with the kiddos, too. And my favorite part? It's very budget-friendly to feed your backyard birds all season long with this particular bird feeder and seed recipe. See how to make your own Mason Jar Bird Feeder below...all you need is the lid!

Mason Jar Bird Feeder
We are total bird nerds, y'all. When we bought this house a couple of years ago, one of our favorite things was the sheer volume of trees on the property. Sitting on the back porch or in the sunroom are the two best places for birdwatching through all those trees. We've been wanting to add a DIY bird feeder or two out there to draw in even more feathered friends.

This mason jar bird feeder totally fits the bill...and actually only utilizes the lid of the mason jar. It was so fun to make with the kiddos, too. They love doing projects of this kind together as a family. The bonus is these are really budget-friendly...hang several of them all around your yard! Instructions for this DIY Bird Feeder from a Mason Jar Lid are below.

Mason Jar Lid Bird Feeder

This Mason Jar Lid Bird Feeder was seriously simple to put together. And be sure to add a special Cheerios SMILE to yours for all the birds to enjoy (or pick at with their beaks...whichever!).
Mason Jar Feeder
The beauty of these mason jar bird feeders is that they are budget friendly and easy. This means we can make gobs of them and pull them out as we need them. We were originally putting out the bird bells from the hardware stores for our feathered friends. They were $5 a piece and the birds were going through more than one a week. My bird budget had to be reigned in, y'all. These little mason jar lids are made for a lot less...and the actual lids can be used over and over to make more bird feeders.

Check out my video (below) of how easy these are. Below the video are more details, as well as my complete recipe for the bird mix, too. 

Bird Feeder Craft

Supplies for a DIY Bird Feeder from a Mason Jar Lid 

This recipe makes a dozen bird feeders, give or take. You can halve the recipe, if you prefer. But honestly, they make adorable gifts for everyone, so the full recipe is recommended. Plus, we go through these fairly quickly. We make a dozen and store half in the pantry to replenish the yard as needed. I don't want hangry birds on my hands, now, do I?

Pantry Items Needed:

  • 1/2 cup Cheerios 
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3 1/2 cups wild bird seed (the best price I've seen for this is here on Amazon)
  • 3 tablespoons light corn syrup
  • 1 envelope gelatine
  • 1/2 cup water
Family Craft

Other Supplies Needed:


DIY Bird Feeder
  • Mix all of your pantry items together thoroughly.
  • You can add more Cheerios later for fun decorations.

Mason Jar Lids
  • Knot-tie your twine onto 12 mason jar lids. Make sure your strings are long enough to tie to your tree limbs or where ever you'd like them to hang. You can always trim them later.

Canning Lid Bird Feeder
  • Lay your mason jar lids on a piece of parchment paper. 
  • Pile your birdseed mixture into your mason jar lids. 
  • Smash it down and even it out with your hands (it will be sticky). If you prefer, rub your hands with a bit of olive oil or spray them with cooking spray to prevent the seed mixture from sticking to them. 
  • Allow these to sit overnight on the paper before hanging. 
  • If adding additional Cheerios for a design, be sure to do that before they are set. The Cheerio designs are great for getting the really little ones involved. 

Mason Jar Lid Bird Feeder
  • Simply tie your Mason Jar Lid Bird Feeder onto a branch or other spot in your yard. We have a few hanging on our pergola, too, since squirrels can't get to them there. Squirrels do tend to munch on the ones in trees, though. Again, it's a really fun activity to do with your kiddos.

More Outdoor Projects for Families:

If you're looking for more great family activities, especially for the spring and summertime, be sure to check out the following:

  • Our Tin Can Flower Garden is another great upcycle activity. It's super colorful and a fun way to bring some flowers to an unsightly fence, or even an outdoor centerpiece. 
  • While they didn't help with the construction phase, our kids did help with the planting part of our unique (and reader-favorite) DIY Planted Posts.
  • Raid the kitchen for some old pots to upcycle into planters. See my complete tutorial here
  • And be sure to get your entire yard into shape with our spring projects and ideas.

Looking for More DIY Bird Feeder Ideas?

  • I love how this DIY Bird Feeder from Erin's Creative Energy incorporates kitchen dishes!
  • This DIY Bird Feeder made from a tea cup over at Mommy Moment is so sweet.
Mason Jar Bird Feeder
What kinds of activities do you like to do with your kids to spend extra time together?


  1. I love the addition of the Cheerios smiley face!

  2. That is such a good idea ! I really really looooooove it !. If you don’t mind I would like to link your post in one of my future Friday Favorites .

    1. Thanks so much, Noble! That would be awesome...I appreciate it. xoxo

  3. Aww how cute! We have tons of birds in our back yard. May have to try this :) I'd be so pleased for you to link up at my new linky party, Support Your Fellow Crafter at Support Blog for Moms of Boys! Hope to "see" you soon :)

    1. Thank you so much, Ginger Yes, we love having a yard full of birds, too!

  4. What a cute and clever idea! I bet my bird-loving kiddo would love to make a few of these!

    1. Thank you so much, Christine! My kids certainly enjoyed it, too! xoxo

  5. Very cute! We made similar feeders using ornaments for Christmas gifts; unfortunately we later found out that this mixture doesn't hold up to our heavy New England rains! But they were so cute while they lasted.

    1. Awww...bummer! We usually don't get a ton of rain in Texas, but lately it's been a bit of a different story. However, our mason jar lids were emptied within 48 hours before our biggest storm to date. So, they don't seem to stick around too long for the storms...LOL!

    2. You could use the mason jar glasses that have a handle. Pack it with the mixture and insert wooden dowel as a perch. Hang the string from the handle.

  6. Hey, Kristi! Just wanted to let you know that we loved your Mason jar lid bird feeder so much when you shared it at the #HomeMattersParty last week, we’ve FEATURED it THIS WEEK! Hope you can check it out when you get a sec

    1. Thank you so much, Michelle! I really appreciate that!

  7. Cuentos escritos, ilustrados y contados por niños.

  8. We made 60 feeders for my daughter's woodland shower favor gifts. I liked this recipe the best with the flour and gelatin combination. I kept a saucer of coconut oil to regrease my hands. Then smoothed out the tops as well with greasy finger so they looked more uniform to be presentable.

    1. Hi there! What a fun shower theme! I am so glad that this recipe was a success for you! I love the coconut oil tip! Thank you bunches for sharing! <3

  9. Made 50 of these for a baby shower. By day 3 full of white mold while lying out drying. After researching more I would not use any recipe with corn syrup or flour. The moisture in them grows mold. :(

    1. Oh dear! I am so sorry to hear that! Thank you for the feedback! The longevity will definitely vary depending on location and weather! <3

  10. Kristi, I made these with my granddaughters this week. We had a little lesson about birds and I also taught them how to measure correctly when using a recipe. Thank you for sharing this activity. (By the way, the squirrels love this, too)

    1. I'm so happy to hear that! Sounds like a fun project with the grandkids. And yes...we have squirrel issues, too.

  11. Covid-19 Christmas gifts!!!
