Citrus Sugar Scrub Recipe | i should be mopping the floor
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Citrus Sugar Scrub Recipe

I've got the perfect DIY Mother's Day gift for you...and it's budget friendly! This Citrus Sugar Scrub smells absolutely divine, y'all. It goes together easily and looks super duper cute in a mason jar. I also have the free printable mason jar Mother's Day tags below, along with sugar scrub tags, too. This is the perfect way to make a thoughtful gift for mom on a shoestring budget. See the complete recipe for this Citrus Sugar Scrub below (and grab the free printables, too!).
Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags
I am a firm believer in handmade gifts...they're straight from the heart. And it's an awesome bonus when it's a bath product. That just feels downright luxurious. See my recipe for this Citrus Sugar Scrub recipe below. 

Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags
So, I may or may not have opened up a jar (or ten) of this Citrus Sugar Scrub for know, for testing purposes. 

I now can't live without it. 

I paint a lot (like a lot, y'all...but you probably know that already if you come here often). This scrub is my new bestie for getting the paint off my hands (and forearms, and elbows, and, and...). And it leaves my skin feeling silky smooth. The oil in it is the perfect amount to make it so I don't need to lotion up right after washing my hands with it, too (the struggle is real to moisturize every time I wash up!). 

I also have a jar on my bathtub to keep my tootsies in shape for summer. I'm not commenting on the fact that the jar is emptier every time my husband performs his daily ablutions. Who am I to take away someone's right to sugar scrub up? Nobody wants dry skin, amiright? All that to say...we're going through jars of this Citrus Sugar Scrub in rapid succession...and may have to make more for our mamas at this rate.

Citrus Sugar Scrub Recipe 

(this recipe makes three pint-sized mason jars' worth of scrub) 

I created the below video to show you how easy and fast this recipe is to make. You can see the physical recipe below the video, as well. 

Citrus Sugar Scrub Ingredients:

  • 3 medium oranges
  • 3 medium limes
  • 3 medium lemons
  • 5 cups pure cane sugar 
  • 3-5 tablespoons olive or grapeseed oil (you can also use fractionated coconut oil, but not regular as it could re-solidify itself)
Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags

Directions for Citrus Sugar Scrub

  • Zest all of your fruits into a large bowl with your sugar. I use a microplane for zesting. 
  • It's fun to zest for a non-food recipe since you can go as crazy with the zesting as you like...and not worry about getting the bitter part of the fruit into something that may be consumed. Have at it and zest away! 
  • Don't toss your fruit after it's been zested...we're about to juice!

Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags
  • Juice all of your fruits, as well. 
  • Spoon out your seeds once you have juiced all of the fruits. 
  • At this point, your kitchen will smell like a lovely citrus grove...ahhhhh!

Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags
  • Pour in all of your juice, along with your oil, into the sugar and zest.

Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags
  • Mix well. 
  • You may want to add more oil, depending on how "loose" you like your scrub to be. I prefer mine to be a bit dryer, but adding more oil won't hurt a bit, if you prefer. 
  • I keep my scrub really natural, but at this point, you could add a drop of orange or yellow food coloring to really give it a citrus look. I like to keep it as is, myself. 

Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags
  • Simply spoon your scrub into your mason jars.
  • Make sure you cleaned your mason jars well ahead of time.

You could take this a step further and do an actual canning process with a water bath to make your scrub's shelf life a bit longer. That's total preference, as well. I tend to use these really quickly, so I don't do that myself. Just let your recipient know they should use up the contents in the near future if you don't do a canning method for sealing.

Packaging Your Citrus Sugar Scrub

I like to look for more organic-type of materials when packaging gifts like these (especially any gift in a mason just screams for a natural look). 

Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags
  • I used gardener's twine and yellow floral picks on my mason jars holding my scrub. Their pretty color looked perfect to pair with my citrus-y Mother's Day gift-in-a-jar. 
  • These tags are available for moms or other AHHHH-MASON people you like to celebrate on Mother's Day. Both versions are on the same page.

Download Your Tags:

Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags
These print best on card stock paper for stability.

Circular Labels

Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags
  • I also have circular labels for you to use on the top of the jars to label the contents.
  • They work with a 2" punch, if you have that in your craft stash. 
  • Or cut by hand.

The labels have a small reminder to discard scrub after a month and to keep it refrigerated, if possible. It's best to err on the safe side with homemade beauty treatments.
Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags

Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags
Are you a gift-in-a-jar fan? The possibilities are endless!

Budget-Friendly Citrus Sugar Scrub for Mother's Day with Free Printable Mason Jar Gift Tags
What fun gifts are you giving this Mother's Day?


  1. Well I know what we are doing for our next girls night at my house. Love this.

  2. I love making my own sugar scrubs! I bet this smells fabulous, I love citrus!

  3. I went to a sugar scrub/salt scrub class a few months ago. We weren't advised to refrigerate them, but were warned that the oil would go rancid in about 90 days.

  4. i bet this smells delicious and i just LOVE diy projects. planning to make some for mom and me!

  5. This is such a great gift idea! Perfect to have the kids help with.

  6. What a fun idea! My wife loves sugar scrubs, so I'm thinking I should totally make some of this for her for Mother's Day this year. The 99 really does have the best things! Thanks for sharing! #client

  7. Ahh-mason, this is so cute and simple!

  8. Awe, I love the message it looks simple and easy to create!

  9. I love making scrubs and bath bombs. They do make great gifts. Pinned & sharing Thanks for joining the Inspiration Spotlight party.

  10. So why wouldn't you just throw the whole fruit into a blender and pick out the seeds wouldn't that be easier ? Great idea by the way and I bet it smells heavenly ����
