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Inspiration Monday

Welcome back to Inspiration Monday! Are you enjoying those last carefree days of summer? We're trying to soak up every last little bit of it in our house. Hope you're able to, too! 

Inspiration Monday Party

Lots of fun going on this week at the par-tay! This week's features were chosen by Meegan from What Meegan Makes...lots of FARMHOUSE fun!
DIY Farmhouse Projects & Recipes from Inspiration Monday 
Check it all out below...

Free Printable Vintage Flash Cards

These Free Printable Vintage Flashcards are perfect for decorating and so much more. They're available in A-Z for download below.

Free Printable Vintage Flash Cards | A-Z flashcards in a free download. | Perfect for classroom decor, back-to-school banners, and more! | Instant downloads.
I just love any kind of retro decor...and this time of the year, retro school decor is the best. These printable vintage flash cards are fun for so many things...make a banner with them, stick them on a bulletin board, use them in a classroom, use them for gift tags, and more.

Printable Southern Sayings

These classic printable southern sayings are the songs of my people, y'all. They're perfect for anyone who loves their sayings as sweet as their tea. This Southern Sayings bundle is a part of my Premium Printables line.

Eight Southern Sayings Printables
Down here in the south, we have the best lil' quotes, y'all! We'll bless your heart and curse it with the same exact words...it's a tricky business, I tell ya. These eight 8x10 Printable Southern Sayings are perfect to display in your home or office...or to give to your favorite southerner and really butter their biscuits. 

Or check out each individual Southern Sayings designs below.

Tween Boy's Bedroom

This fun and eclectic tween boy's bedroom is done!
It was not without its challenges, but its resident (and his mom) are pretty happy with how it all came together. 

Tween Boy's Eclectic Bedroom
When we ventured out into the "no more characters or cutesy" phase of decorating with my youngest, my heart kind of sank a bit. That last little bit of baby is long gone. My nine-year-old is now one super independent and very opinionated young man. He was weighing in on every decision in this space with lots and lots of reasoning. It's so fun watching him grow, but wow...glad we won't have to redecorate for a while with this one! ;) Check out the entire space below. And be sure to enter our $250 MINTED giveaway, too! 

Kids' Room Gallery Wall

My younger son's room is starting to come together.
Finishing this kids' room gallery wall gave the space lots of visual awesomeness!
I've also got a $250 Minted giveaway below!

I love a good gallery wall...but doing one to a nine-year-old's specifications can be a challenge. I'm happy to say that we crossed off all of his wants and put together a fun little wall o' memories and cool-dude artwork. Check it out below, along with a BIG giveaway from MINTED! 

Inspiration Monday

Welcome back to another Inspiration Monday Party! We've been having a fun weekend at our home. My youngest son is playing Michael Banks in Mary Poppins...we've been living at the theater, but it's been a blast! AND, also super fun...this giveaway from the blog last week:

Inspiration Monday Party

This weeks feature's were chosen by Christy from Our Southern Home.

Today's features are great ideas to freshen up your home. Let's get started....

Free Sarcastic Desktop Wallpaper Designs

Happy Fri-YAY! Time for some fun, free sarcastic desktop wallpaper designs.
Your computer can be the snarkiest in the office.

Milk Paint Laundry Room Sign Tutorial

Thank you to Folk Art for today's Laundry Room Sign Tutorial and giveaway. This post contains affiliate links. I make a small percentage when these links are used, at no additional cost to you.

This Milk Paint Laundry Room Sign Tutorial is a great step-by-step for using this fun and versatile paint. I made two signs to complete a wall in our laundry area. AND, I'm teaming up with Folk Art to give away $150 worth of milk paint in this post. 

Milk Paint Laundry Room Sign Tutorial
The laundry space in our "lauffice" is really coming together. I wanted a couple of vintage-looking signs under my shelves. Since I had a super specific size I needed, I thought it would be fun to make these myself. I have the step-by-step tutorial below, in case you want to make some fun milk paint signs, too.

Inspiration Monday

Welcome to the party! It's been brutally hot out there this weekend...cool off with us with one refreshing par-tay! I can't wait to see what you've all been up to this week!

Inspiration Monday Party
This weeks feature's were chosen by Laura from Inspiration for Moms.

Free Printable Watercolor Monograms

These Free Printable Watercolor Monograms are available in A-Z.
They're perfect for classroom decor, kids' rooms, or gallery walls. Grab your letter & have fun.

Free Printable Watercolor Monograms | Letters A-Z available for instant download.
It had been awhile since I had created a series of monogram printables. I actually created this one with my son's new color scheme of his bedroom in mind. I've created letters A-Z. Be sure to grab as many as you need...they make great gifts (especially for teachers this time of the year!).  

DIY Painted Waterfall Dresser

This tutorial for a Painted Waterfall Dresser contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Affiliate, I make a small portion when these links are used, at no additional cost to you.

This DIY Painted Waterfall Dresser was a fun one, friends. I'm affectionately calling this...my Goodwill score of a lifetime. Because this painted waterfall dresser walked into our lives at the absolute perfect moment. See how I made it over below.

Painted Waterfall Dresser

This newly painted waterfall dresser has a fun layered wax technique on top of its bright yellow chalk paint. It makes it kind of aged...but not overly aged as most of my chalk paint projects seem to be (I just love old stuff, what can I say?). Check out the entire tutorial below.

15 Vintage Metal Signs

As a typography junkie, vintage signs are my jam, man.
These 15 reproduction vintage metal signs are all under $15.
There is something for everyone. And, they're all on Amazon Prime!

Super cute and perfect for any decor: 15 Vintage Metal Signs Under $10
I have such a thing for metal signs. I just can't get enough of them. I have them all over the house. I found dozens of these reproductions over on Amazon for less than $10 each. The "Hamburger" one is already on its way to me. So cute! Check them all out below.

Inspiration Monday

Hey, hey!! Party day is always my favorite. You guys continue to blow us away every week! Hope you're doing well and having a fabulous weekend. We can't wait to see what you've been up to!

  This weeks feature's were chosen by Julie from redheadcandecorate.com
She picked out lots of deliciousness fresh from the garden.

Mary Poppins-Inspired Free Printable

This Mary Poppins-Inspired Free Printable is a cheerful addition to any decor.
It's hard to look at this one and not smile. 

Mary Poppins-Inspired Free Printable
My youngest son is the reason for this printable, y'all. He is playing the role of Michael Banks in our community theater's production of Mary Poppins. We've all been singing the songs 24/7 around here as he learns the music and his lines. Download this cheerful printable below.

Tips and Tricks for Summer Painting Projects

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and The Coca-Cola Company. 
All opinions are mine alone. #SummerHydration #CollectiveBias

These tips and tricks for summer painting projects are perfect for your next big masterpiece...or just a small piece of furniture that's been on your to-do list for a bit. Summer is my favorite time to knock a boatload of painting projects off of my own to-do list...but with the heat, there's a few tricks I use to stay on track and still create a great piece. 

Tips and Tricks for Summer Painting Projects
I love refinishing furniture pieces. Shortly after I graduated from college, I had a small side business refinishing pieces here and there. I learned a lot in that time...and in the 15 years since. Painting is definitely my outlet. I tend to paint a lot more in the summertime than any other part of the year. With my kids home, I can stay in my paint clothes all day long while they play and lounge. We tend to live a bit tidier in the school year, so painting and having multiple projects going at a time in the summer works out best for me. Check out my best tips and tricks for your own summer painting projects below. 

Eight Inspirational Printables

These Eight Inspirational Printables are a part of my new Printables for Purchase line.
They're bundled in a set below for $5. They're 8x10 sizes...ready to be printed and framed.

Watercolor Inspirational Printables

Inspiration Monday

Hey, y'all! Welcome to the Inspiration Monday party! 
Hope your holiday weekend is off to a wonderful start. 
We've got LOADS of fun and inspiration for you today. 

Oh, and don't forget...today is the last day for my fun drill giveaway:

Now onto some fun PARTY inspiration...
This week's features are sure to inspire summer fun...lots of DIY entertaining projects!
These features were chosen by Debbie from Refresh Restyle