Adventure Awaits Printable & Our New Home | i should be mopping the floor
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Adventure Awaits Printable & Our New Home

This Adventure Awaits Printable is the perfect printable to go along with our new adventure...a new home. It's a fun, quirky, fixer upper that we are head over heals in love adventure in every sense of the word. Download this printable and take a little tour of our new digs below. 

Something a bit CrAzY happened yesterday, y'all. We started a brand new adventure. It's one that's been in the back of our minds for a long time. We've set aside a little here and there thinking one day we'd look for a new home that could not only accommodate us, but my parents, least down the road (not quite yet, though). I know this sounds a bit WILD. But, we have prayed for a while as we've watched my parents age since we moved down to this area almost nine years ago to be closer to them. 
It stinks watching your parents age. Dad turned 80 in December. But my mother's health is what has concerned us most lately. I won't go into details...but it's hard on my dad to be her only caretaker (they actually live an hour away from any family...a distance that worked nine years ago, but is harder now).
When we started setting money aside for this, we never dreamed it would happen right now. We've always said "down the road". However, a momentary binge (on my part as I was avoiding work!) led us to close on a new-to-us house this week and we plan to move in within the next month or so. This house seems like it was designed for the future situation we envision with my we hopped on it. In the area we are in, homes like this are so rare, so it was something we just couldn't wait on.
Plus...let's just get past the elephant in the room...this house is PREMIUM BLOG POST FODDER, y'all! It's like it was made for me to go in and do stuff to. Don't get me wrong...I actually LOVE so much about it, as is. But, it's been vacant for a few years and there are parts of it that haven't been updated since the 1970s. So, we're ready to tackle it head on, y'all. Check out our new adventure awaiting us below>>>

Welcome, y'all! I'm kind of in love with this place. I can't believe it's now ours.
It's already had a few things done since this photo (beautiful new roof from the sellers...woohoo!). 
Scroll below to download the printable.

For the GREEN printable, click here.
For the RED printable, click here.
For the BLUE printable, click here.
For the YELLOW printable, click here.

Pretty sure this is one of the longest posts I've ever done on the blog. 
I can't wait to share all of the projects that come out of this home with you!
Super, duper excited, y'all!


  1. Can't wait to see before and afters!! I think I want to buy a house now that will accommodate me in my old age. That reads: I will trap my girls into a great dream home that ties them to taking care of me and the old man for...ever! Nice plan!

  2. I popped over from the link-up. Congrats on your new house (and blog fodder). More importantly, congratulations on being a fantastic daughter. What a gift to honor and care for your parents in this way--not sure I would be up to take on an adventure that big!

  3. This is such a great printable! I want one in every color in every room :)
