Free Printable Packing List for Kids | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Printable Packing List for Kids

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This Free Printable Packing List for Kids is available in six designs and is the perfect tool for helping kiddos as they learn to pack for themselves. The designs are available for boys or girls...or use them in the best manner that works for your family. Using a travel packing list for kids has really helped my own boys to gain independence when we travel (and saves a lot of time and stress on my end).

Packing List for Kids

Remember the scene in Home Alone where Kevin is told to go "pack his suitcase," and he immediately freaks out? That's kind of the look that happens in my house when I say those words to my people...although I seem to be the one freaking out. Because I'm a total type-A personality and can't handle giving up that much control...sometimes (okay, all the time). This free printable packing list for kids is fabulous for crazy parents like me that feel the need to be packing those kids right up until the day they leave for college. They're a great way to start teaching kids the basics of laying out clothes, toiletries, and other goodies for trips. Grab your household its own packing list for kids below in one of my six design options.

Free Printable Packing List for Kids

Printable Packing List for Kids

Hysterical. As I was creating the girl version of this packing checklist, I decided to ask my friends for help (since I live in boy territory in my house). Did I mention it was hysterical? Yeah...and I thought I would have heart palpitations over the sheer magnitude of items my friends who are girl moms started listing. It was more like...just pack all the things. All. The. Things. I had to generalize quite a bit, but again, these lists are just guide lines or starting points (then parents can edit and make final decisions).

Oh, and I didn't forget us big kids on this packing checklist fun. I have this free printable packing list for grown ups, as well.

Traveling with Kids

My kids really enjoy traveling. They've come a long way, too, in terms of how much they can help with trip preparation, and such. We have rules that we only carry our bags on, and everyone must be able to carry or wheel their own stuff, even in an airport or on public transit (this helps with people wanting to pack too much).

How to Use this Packing List for Kids:

  • I intended this packing list for kids just as a least that's how we've started using this in my house. I know we all have more specific items that will probably be added to the suitcase in the end, but this packing list is a great starting point. It gets *most* of the items gathered for you.
  • I write in the number of items my kids need to lay out and then I come back and edit before doing the final pack up. They have a say in the clothing and items and then I know, do a few touch ups (or in some cases...a bit more editing...but, it's all about their learning experience). 
  • It's perfect for about ages five to ten or has cartoon shapes for younger kiddos who are just starting to read. And honestly, my twelve year old still uses his (but don't tell anyone at his middle school. Ever.).
Free Printable Packing List for Kids

The image above is an example of how I use this packing list for kids. I like to fill in the quantities ahead of time, as I mentioned above. I let the boys check off the boxes once the items are set out.

Printing and Laminating Your Packing Lists

I also like to laminate our packing lists so we can use dry erase with them. It's great to reuse them over and over. I keep ours stored inside our suitcases (bringing them on our trip helps us not have a stray item left at a hotel, too). 

  • Start by downloading your favorite packing checklist design below.

  • Self Laminate Your Packing List for Kids (it's a thing!):

    • I use these fantastic Avery Self Adhesive Laminating Sheets (pictured below in their previous packaging design...these last me forever). They allow you to quickly laminate at home without a machine or any special equipment. Grab them here on Amazon for the best price I've seen.
    • When you laminate your trip packing list, you can use it over and over (again, I store ours inside our suitcases so they're always ready for trip packing).
    • Using this checklist with lamination requires using dry erase markers for their erasability. I recommend a fine tip dry erase marker. Personally, I use these Ultra Fine Tip Expo markers with my trip packing list. I get them here on Amazon.  
Be sure to also pack your lists inside your suitcase (I slide ours into the front pocket). This helps us to remember to pack everything back up to bring it home when the trip is coming to an end. This is also a great task for kids to help with as you prepare to travel back from your destination.

Kids Packing Checklist
Above are pictured the Avery Laminating Sheets that I've used for my printed lists. Grab them here on Amazon. Use along with these fine-tipped dry erase markers that work great for this type of list.

Children's Packing List

More Packing List for Kids Printables:

Not sure how to Print a Printable?

See my complete video tutorial below covering how to print your printables on either a Mac or a PC...on your home printer or even uploaded to your local print shop. If you have additional questions, please refer to my thorough, step-by-step post here on printing your printables. It includes budget-friendly, at-home printer recommendations, too.

Again, be sure to grab my coordinating "grown-up" list, too:
Printable Packing List PDF

Grab this Ultimate Travel Packing List for Grown Ups.

Family Travel
Happy travels, friends!


  1. I love those printables. They are so cute.

  2. Oh man this is a GREAT idea! We are going out of town in a few weeks! I need to use something like this for my little man! I never even thought of this before! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Jeannette! Yes, they've been a lifesaver for us. Happy travels!

  3. What a great way to help kids learn how to pack for themselves--the correct way!

  4. Love this! Thank you so much. I need one of these for the childrens bedrooms. Excellent ideas

  5. This is such an awesome idea! My kids never know what to pack, but I think this would really help them.

    1. Yes, we always had the same problem. This makes for a great starting point. Thanks so much, Stephanie.

  6. This is a perfect idea! My daughter is not cognitvely up to packing a bag but a visual list like this would really help her!

    1. Yes, I definitely wanted the visuals on these for just that reason! Thanks so much.

  7. Wow! That looks incredible. I'm so impressed. Pinned and tweeted. We appreciate you stopping by to party with us. We hope to see you, Monday at 7 pm. Happy Sunday! Lou Lou Girls

    1. Thank you so much, Kimberly. Partying with you is always a fun time. xoxo

  8. HI this is awesome. Would you be able to add Raincoat to the clothing list and make shoes slashed with jandals? ie. shoes/jandals. Under other stuff pens and paper would be useful as well as deodorant (for those 10 year olds who are starting to smell!). Also pillow. Thanks.

    1. I do plan to do another one of these as a teenager version...I'll keep those items in mind. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  9. Hi this is amazing now my child know how to packbag for trip now it is very easy for mother's

    1. Hi there! I'm so glad this has been helpful for your family! <3 Thanks for stopping by!
