Free Printable Halloween Lunch Box Jokes | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Printable Halloween Lunch Box Jokes

This post for free printable Halloween Lunch Box Jokes contains affiliate links. I make a small percentage when these links are used, at no additional cost to you.

Your kids will crack themselves up when they find these Free Printable Halloween Lunch Box Jokes in their lunch boxes. There are eight jokes included. You can download either the black and white or color versions of these lunch box jokes.

Free Printable Halloween Lunch Box Jokes for Kids and Adults!
Q: What do ghosts eat for dessert? A: Ice SCREAM! kids just can't get enough of corny jokes!
I love sticking these in their lunch boxes so they can share them with their classmates at lunch time. I *may* be the cause of sending the cafeteria into "Level 0 Talking" on a regular basis. Download your own set of Halloween lunch box jokes below.

Free Printable Halloween Lunch Box Jokes

No matter what age your kids are, it's always fun to tuck a little surprise into their lunch or backpack that they'll find when they're away from you. Or, if you're reading this in 2020 and the kids are in virtual mode, leave a joke or two on their device or laptop to find before they log in for the day. They love to know you're thinking of them!
Colorful Lunch Box Notes
UPDATE: I just created an additional black and white version of these jokes to save you a bit of ink. Kids truly love both versions and will smile BIG when they spot this in their lunch box. I even sneak them into my teenagers' lunches sometimes...they think I'm *hilarious*.

Free Printable Lunch Notes
These Printable Halloween Lunch Box Jokeswork best printed onto white, letter-sized card stock (purchase a pack of white cardstock here on Amazon). I keep my stash of lunch box cards with all of my lunch-making supplies so I don't forget to stick 'em in the boxes. Your kids will think you're the coolest parent ever. 

Halloween Jokes

Below, I have listed out all of the jokes that are included on both the black and white and full color versions of these Halloween Lunch Box Jokes:
  • What do you call a witch at the beach? 
    • Answer: A SANDWICH
  • Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? 
  • Why did the skeleton go to the barbecue? 
    • Answer: TO HAVE A SPARE RIB
  • What do ghosts eat for dessert? 
    • Answer: ICE "SCREAM"
  • Knock, Knock; Who's there?; Orange; Orange who?; 
    • Orange you glad it's Halloween?
  • What kind of street does a vampire live on? 
    • Answer: A DEAD END
  • Why did the vampires cancel the baseball game? 
  • What kind of pants do ghosts wear? 
    • Answer: BOO JEANS

Download Your Halloween Lunch Box Jokes:

Halloween Lunch Notes

Lunch Notes Jokes

More Halloween Printables


  1. Love these! Printing them tomorrow.. :)

  2. These are just too cute! Any child would be lucky to open up their lunchbox to find these!

    1. Thank you, Ronda! They are a great way to brighten a day!

  3. My boys will love these in their lunchboxes! Printing and sending!

    I would love for you to share this post at my Show Me Saturday party! We go live each Saturday at 7:00 am EST. My readers would love this!

    ~ Ashley

  4. These are soooo fun! I need to make sure I print them and hide them in my kid's lunches!

    1. Thank you bunches, Jocelyn! I hope your kiddos get a kick out of them!

  5. Love these! Going to use them this year for my kids' lunch boxes. Thank you :) Pinned!

    1. You're so welcome! Thank you bunches for pinning!

  6. Thank you for the printables - I used them every day this week for my son's snack box :-)

  7. Kristi,
    You are so good to your subscribers! These printables are adorable and I will slip them into my Halloween greeting cards! I love 'em!

  8. So cute! Saving for when the kiddos return to back in school learning.

  9. So cute! Sending them to my niece for my great nephew! Thank you for ALL your free printables!

  10. These are awesome. I like to leave little joke cards around my office. Been doing it for years! I call myself the joke card bandit (it hasn't caught on yet...but I'm sure it will, lol!). Thanks for another round of fun!

  11. What a cute idea!! I love putting notes in my kid's lunchboxes. They will love these. Thank you!

  12. I work at a Senior Center and we are distributing about 120 meals twice a week. Going to print to include these Halloween week
