This Skinny Turkey Taco Soup is the perfect way to warm up...
even when you're watching your waistline.

1lb lean ground turkey breast
1 tsp. cumin
2 tsp. chili powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 package of dry ranch dressing
1 can of rotel tomatoes
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can of corn
2 cans of beans {I used black and pinto, but you could also try kidney or another variety.}

Brown turkey in large stock pot over medium-high heat, until cooked through {since the turkey is so low in fat, you may want to use a spray or olive oil to prevent sticking}. Drain and return to pan. Add seasonings, including ranch {do not mix it with anything, just add the dry ranch powder}. Add in all other ingredients. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for thirty minutes. Serves eight with 6 Weight Watchers Points Plus per serving. A serving is about a cup and a half of soup.
Serve with cheese and chips or corn tortillas, if desired {these are not a part of the Points count, you'll need to add in the extra points, if you're tracking}.

Click on image below to download the printable recipe card: