You Get What You Get Printable #fridaysfreebie | i should be mopping the floor
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You Get What You Get Printable #fridaysfreebie

You Get What You Get and You Don't Throw a Fit...
this free printable speaks volumes to me.

Free "You Get What You Get and You Don't Throw a Fit" 8x10 printable {high res prints onto a letter-sized sheet, to be trimmed and framed}

Long ago, in a land far away {okay, 30 miles up the highway}, I taught preschool. I lasted all of one year. I am just not meant to be a teacher...that's not a gift God blessed me with. But I hung on for a whole school year and did have an incredible group of little friends that I learned from.

One little girl, God love her, was...errrr, a challenge. She had the most precious personality, but...yeah. She was a hilarious challenge. I could write an entire book on Janie-isms. We all cracked up at her unusual four-year-old wit and humor. But, that sweet baby spent a lot more time on red than green {I'm betting a lot of you know what that is referring to}. One thing I took from that class with me was Janie's favorite expression that she sang gleefully at the lunch table every. single. day. She would unpack her Hannah Montana lunchbox and spread it all over her spot. Daily: a pizza Lunchable, a bag of red and green grapes, a Sugar Daddy and grape soda. Grape Soda. And a Sugar Daddy. Daily. I'm not one to judge other people's lunch packing, but man...that daily lunch was rough on the teacher. Sugar shock at twelve o'clock. 

Of course, every other ham & cheese sandwich eating, juice box sipping, carrot stick toting kid was completely jealous. 

And what did Janie sing? You guessed it. She dutifully informed them of her mantra: "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit." The reverse never worked on her. She did not like that one thrown back at her. 

But, that sweet girl is almost done with elementary school...somewhere out there. And she's probably still throwing back the grape sodas and Sugar Daddies...and I can't help but smile as I think of her little black Mary Janes stomping in rhythm on the floor as she belted out her mantra:
Free "You Get What You Get and You Don't Throw a Fit" 8x10 printable {high res prints onto a letter-sized sheet, to be trimmed and framed}
This one's for you, Janie.

Free "You Get What You Get and You Don't Throw a Fit" 8x10 printable {high res prints onto a letter-sized sheet, to be trimmed and framed}

This is an 8x10 printable that prints onto letter-sized paper that can be trimmed and framed.

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:


  1. I love this! I think every Mama out there should have this printed on a t-shirt! Great idea. Hope you have a great weekend.


  2. OMG...that's awesome Kristi! I had an in home daycare when my kids were small, so I had several kids like that over the years :) Thanks so much for sharing at Best of the Weekend :) Have a wonderful week!

  3. Thanks...sooo cute. I'm gonna print 2 and frame them for my sons preschool teacher and my daughters 1st grade teacher. I think it will look nice on my childrens gallery wall as well. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I so need to print this for my three little ones:) We would love for you to share at our new Super Summer Saturday party here:


  5. This is too cute!! It is perfect for kids!! Definitely pinning this one for my friends who have little ones! Love it!!

  6. I love this! (I taught school for all of one year too!)

  7. I love this Kristi - it's like my daily mantra!

  8. Oh my goodness! I just shared this saying with friends the other day! You probably COULD believe how many times in a day I say this to my children =) Thanks for sharing the printable! I'm stopping by from i heart namptime's Sunday link up!

  9. I use this saying ALL the time! What a great printable! I could put it in like 40 places! Thanks for sharing! I’d love for you to check out our Pattern Party! Those with free patterns and templates to share are invited to link up! Starts on the 1st of each month.

  10. Thanks so much for the wonderful printable. Your generosity is much appreciated. I went over to look at your printables pages, what a great assortment for pretty every occasion. Loved them but will wait to print them out when I need them, so as not to use up all my ink cartridge. I almost used up this months already on July 4th. printables, ouch. Love your blog, it's great. Happy 4th.

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