Cheap and Easy Party Backdrop {with Engineer Prints} | i should be mopping the floor
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Cheap and Easy Party Backdrop {with Engineer Prints}

There are so many ways to save money on birthday party decorations. This is just one way you can create your own party backdrop on the cheap...and have a wonderful keepsake of your special day.
{The ones below were for my son's Ninjago Party}

{My dragon backdrops were inspired by the Ninjago party over at Celebrations At fact, I think one of our dragons is the same. My dragon art was purchased from}.

I made these custom dragon backdrops for my son's recent Ninjago party. They were so easy to do...and less than $5 each for a big sturdy piece that can be reused again and again. 
{I did a Darth Vader one last year for our Star Wars party...this year I skipped the Mod Podge}.

I purchased inexpensive dragon art as well as black and white graphic patterns at {I used them on EVERYTHING for the party...from water wraps to favor tags..that purchase went far}. I pulled them into PSE and made them into sizes that corresponded to the Engineering Prints at Staples. {I'm sure you could probably do something similar in PicMonkey if you don't have PSE}.

I saved them as JPEGs {that's what is required for Engineering Prints}. Then I uploaded to the online Staples Copy & Print Center. The Engineering Prints are in a special area, as pictured above. I ordered them to be sent to my local Staples. Engineering Prints are only available in black and white and aren't super duper high res, which is why they are so inexpensive.

They are printed on a thin piece of paper, ready to go!

I purchased foam boards at my local grocery store {they're only $1.50 there...significantly cheaper than Hobby Lobby}.

This is by no means a professional "mounting" job...I was taking easy street this time. I used black duct tape and just wrapped that board like a sloppy present.

I made three of these total and had two on the food table and one on the mantel {as pictured above}. I think they turned out great for our little ninja shindig. I'm hoping to post an entire party recap asap.

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:


  1. if you have Dollar Tree in your area they sell foam core for 1.00! Woohoo. I attempted to use these awesome prints because I've seen some really awesome projects with them... want to see how it turned out, I'll warn you it's not pretty! LOL

  2. Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing! I've got a year old birthday party to plan for May! This would be perfect!

    Jenna @

  3.'s just perfect for something that you are probably not going to keep forever anyway. Love this idea!

  4. Looks wonderful. New follower via GFC. Would love for you to stop by my blog sometime.

  5. Awesome idea!! My daughter's birthday is coming up in two months and I'm definintely going to make banners. Can't believe it is so cheap and look so good. Thanks so much!!

  6. Wonderful poster!!, I have the dragon's, couldyou send me the black and white graphic patterns?. Thank so much!!
