Salado Inspiration | i should be mopping the floor
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Salado Inspiration

What a fabulous weekend I was able to enjoy with my sweet buddy, Bethany!
We tore it up, y'all. From flea marketing to foo-foo...we shopped them all. The pocketbooks came back empty and the trunk came back full...which to me means a good haul. 

We spent the majority of our time in beautiful Salado, Texas. I'm proud to say I live within a 20-minute drive of this adorable little town. If you're ever in central Texas and need to get your foo-foo/antique fix, Salado is your place. The streets are lined with dozens of adorable village-like shops filled to the brim with everything you can think of!

Keep in mind, I used my phone for these photos, so the quality leaves a lot to be desired. 

We parked the car and stumbled into this outdoor craft fair. Definitely bought our fair share of Scentsy and crocheted hair things. Good stuff.

Then we made our way into the cuteness. I'm totally inspired by the paint/stain combo of the above table. That red is yummy.

This beautiful buffet was in my most favorite Salado shop, Horsefeathers. It's a must-shop if you're in town. Love the detail on the mirrored doors! And that gray is so lovely. And don't even get me started on the amazingness that is that mirror. Holla.

I thought this was a sweet little sign...also in Horsefeathers.

Beautiful holiday tabletop inspiration. Loving the shimmery mirrors everywhere...can you imagine the bling-a-ding-ding once the candles are all lit? Yum.

The kitchen area in Horsefeathers is inspiration galore. I'd love a cute cottage-y kitchen like this one! The finish on the cabinets is so chippy and great.

On to more...this was at Bee's Antiques. Bethany had a thang for that antique sled. I could totally see it adorned with some greenery for the holidays and hanging over a fireplace.

The side stash at Bee's. Don't get me started on the huge stacks of old screen doors that were around back...wowzer.

Quite the contrast from the foo-foo...we also hit up a flea market and got our junk on. Loving all the chairs at this one... even more that weren't pictured. I'm in search of new dining room chairs...but I need six of them...which are hard to come by.

While it may look like a whole lot of junk {with a tragic lamp}, there were so many treasures in the Ramirez House of Glass at the flea market. Milk glass, Spode, transferware and more. I probably could have spent a huge chunk of time just digging through this place. I'm a china/glassware addict. If I bring home yet another set of china, I will probably not be allowed in the door.

More in the Ramirez House of Glass. This was a part of an adorable set of milk glass tea cups and saucers. I think I need to start collecting milk glass. Need.

{i linky-party here}


  1. I knee you were a fellow Texan, but I never knew you were so close! I'm ten miles north of Salado and fo about once a week. It's my anti-depressant.

  2. Thanks for taking us shopping with you. I like the old sled AND what looks like some old croquet clubs in front of it. Shopping with girlfriends is always a good time :)

  3. I would give ( almost ) anything for that buffet - my head is reeling with how I could copy that idea!!!
    Thanks for taking us along -
