Meet the Hot Glue Hotties! {Tips on Organizing a Craft Night with Friends} | i should be mopping the floor
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Meet the Hot Glue Hotties! {Tips on Organizing a Craft Night with Friends}

So excited to introduce you to some sweet friends of mine...The Hot Glue Hotties (that's just four of us up there...there's about a dozen total)! We are a monthly craft group that meets the second Monday evening of each month to craft, eat and have a fabulous time. If you've ever thought about starting a group like this, it's a lot of fun. It's a great way to meet new friends, visit with old ones and get a cool project out of it twelve times a year.

Here's a few tips to help you organize a fun craft group of your own:

One thing our group does is communicate via a private page on Facebook. {I've blocked out profile pics since lots of them contain little ones!} This has been an easy and helpful tool to get info out. Within the page, we can create our monthly events, keep track of RSVPs, send out directions to host's house and ask others to bring food or other items {like those hot glue guns}.

We also have our own Pinterest group board that we each are able to pin ideas to. This can be super helpful when choosing a craft each month. 

Having one person purchase supplies is also helpful within a craft group. The host can choose the craft, purchase supplies and have group members reimburse the night of. It's easy to leave an envelope with change on a countertop and a list to mark names off of when paid. 

It's also helpful to have the hostess set up supplies ahead of time. That way your crafting time isn't used up by handing out items to everyone and making sure you have everything you need. 

Also make note of any electrical needs you may have for the evening...setting up extension cords at tables is helpful for each crafter to have their own glue guns, etc. at their disposal. 

Serving snacks is also a part of the fun! But stress isn't. Dividing food "duties" is helpful. We have four people bring snacks for the evening. Then the next month, another four can have a turn. Even with four people bringing food, leftovers are always plentiful. To see all of the recipes everyone brought for this craft night, click here

All of the recipes served were amazing and delicious.
{Again, feel free to check out the recipes, located here.}

And what's a party without cheesecake...made by the husband of one of our group members! 
How awesome is that? And it was FABULOUS!

After eating and visiting, we head to our spots and get to work on the craft. It's helpful for the hostess to give a run-down or explanation of the craft. As this month's hostess, I completed two example for each table. During the craft time, I tried to float around to help anyone who needed it...or just gab with my friends! 

November's craft was table top Christmas trees. Choosing an appropriate craft is also super important. Originally, I had chosen an adorable wooden snowman made out of 2x4s and 4x4s...painted and weathered to perfection. Once I started on that one, I realized that painting and dry time {not to mention saw issues} weren't going to work for an {approximate} two hours of craft time.   

Busy little Hot Glue Hotties!

It was super fun to see how they all turned out! While I purchased the red and green papers, a lot of crafters brought their own scrap book papers...this made for a super fun variety! And LOVE that a few of the girls added bows to the tops of cute! A tutorial is coming for these later this week!

Cute as a button!

These girls have plans to go home and make even more trees! 
Yay for a craft that was a HIT!

Love it!

Proof that I was actually there {that's me on the left}...along with three of my sweet friends. <3

{i linky-party here}


  1. Hi, Looks like you girls have a lot of fun. Happy creating...Connie

  2. Love seeing all the "fun". Looking forward to the recipe sharing, Kristi :)

  3. I love this! Thanks for sharing how to organize a group like this- great tips! The trees are adorable!

  4. Love this idea and the trees that you all made! Very cute!

  5. So fun!!! Christmas trees are very cute!!

  6. Fun!! I need to organize a craft night once a month!

  7. Oh my gosh! I want a craft group!!! You guys look like you had so much fun and those trees are awesome! Can't wait for the tutorial :) Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!

  8. You made me want to start a craft group! I just might have to. Sounds like fun!

  9. I have so been wanting to do this, This is great I would love for you to come link it up at I Freakin' Did it Friday @ Miss Information

  10. I so want one! Thanks for sharing! Joining from Shine on Fridays -

  11. Where did you find the ideas for your trees? I think I need to make some of my own. Alas, I will have to do it myself since I have no crafting group of my own. :(

  12. This is so much fun! I've been wanting to get together a group like this, but I wasn't sure how to go about setting it up. Thanks for the tips!

  13. How fun! I wanna join!!

  14. I seriously want to do that. How fun!

    I have a weekend party I'd love for you to share this on:



  15. Thanks for the tips! I used to do a craft night and have been wanting to start one up again. So fun!

  16. Love these I want a group!!

  17. I'm hoping to do a special crafting night with my Mom, sister, and some family friends over the Christmas holiday. Got some great tips from your post, so thank you!


  18. Thank you so much! We are starting a group at church and I'm scoping out organization ideas.
