Duck-Taped Office Chair | i should be mopping the floor
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Duck-Taped Office Chair

I've been in need of an office chair for awhile. I was using an adorable red wicker chair. While it was, indeed, adorable, it felt horrendous on my back. My husband didn't understand my conundrum of just purchasing an "off-the-rack" chair from Office Depot and moving on. 

I wanted something FUN! Not just the average Office Depot chair. I've seen so many cute covered office chairs on Pinterest...but I don't sew. So, I've been in a pickle over this for quite some time. 

Then my neighbor told me about all the stuff she was getting rid of in preparation for her move. She mentioned a ripped office chair...I thought I could just use it until I found that elusive *perfect* chair I'd been searching for.

And then, I saw a pin where someone had covered some boxes in this stuff {I *think* it was from the House of Hepworths}. And the project was born.

While I'm not a huge zebra-print fan, I needed something in black and white {and apparently none of my stores carry the damask pattern}.

I started by taping over the ripped spot.

Then worked in the panels that were already on the chair. At first, I tried to keep the seams, but I ended up just taping over them, too. It was easier that way.

The crease gave me a bit of trouble. But, every time the tape was unruly, I could just pull another piece off the roll and tape over the ugly one. There are several areas that have 3-4 layers of tape on them. That was the beauty of this stuff.

Since I only wanted to mess with the front, the trick to making it look purposeful was to work with the piping. I tucked the tape under the piping for a more finished look.  I also altered the directions of my tape and that didn't seem to look weird, either {which kind of surprised me}.

 The entire project took less than two hours...and I ended up only using four of the rolls of tape. So instead of dropping a couple of hundred on a new office chair, this one cost about $16 in tape.

In a couple of months, I'll let you know how it wears. I'm sitting in it right now and it feels great! It really feels similar to the leather. And I don't think she's a "temporary fix" anymore...she's here to stay.

Easiest chair makeover ever.

{i linky-party here}


  1. Wow! How clever is this? Looks wonderful, my dear. Oh the power of printed tape!


  2. No freaking way! This rocked my world.


  3. Very cool! Love the look and the pattern looks like a pattern. Would have never guessed it was pieced together!

    How is it when you're sitting in it? Hot? Do you think your body heat will make the tape move? Not critiquing, just wondering....

  4. If it wears anything like my chair did, the edges of the tape will start to curl up on you. All you have to do is just add another strip of tape over top of that and your good.

    Your chair looks great.

  5. I have the perfect chair for this! I have a quilt draped over it now but I will definitely give this a try. Your chair looks amazing!!!

  6. You had me at Duck Tape! It looks great!

  7. When I saw this I thought it was a joke, oh yesh someone covered a chair in duct tape... kinda lame!

    Uh, no... kinda AWESOME!

    I'll be your newest follower!

  8. Wow! Very cool use of duck tape! Way to go!

  9. What a great idea! You did a wonderful job!

  10. Okay- I'm totally impressed!!!!! I will be waiting to see how it wears. Keep us posted!

  11. Wow, that looks pretty awesome! I would love it you would submit it and share it with my readers!


  12. Just brilliant! I never would have guessed that is was duct tape. Thanks for sharing.


  13. That is an amazing makeover! My office chair has a rip in it right now that needs to be fixed. This is a brilliant idea! Guess what I'm doing this weekend?

  14. Kristi, this is AMAZING! I am so happy I saw this. I too, have been looking for a white office chair. The ones I find that are white, are super expensive, and I need one that is good for my back too. So I'm totally going to do this. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

    Melissa @ The Alchemist

  15. What a fun idea. Duct tape is just too amazing. I love how they've been coming out with all the colors and patterns.

  16. This is amazing Kristi! Would never in a million years thought to tape the entire chair - thanks for sharing!

  17. Cool! That will be super durable too! I just redid my office chair, no sewing either. Here is the link if you're interested
    Nice work!

  18. Oh my gosh! Genius! And this is so cute and fun! Found you through C&L link party. xoxo

  19. OMG! I totally love this idea! It seems like it will last forever, right? Great idea and great job! I just did my pumpkins in the zebra duck tape & I love them.

  20. I really love this idea. I have the same tape. Great idea. That duck tape is amazing.

  21. This is an awesome way to fix the chair. Looks great. I am featuring this at

  22. Hmmmm I'm thinking this is a great solution to my husbands ripped up office chair that he refuses to part with. Great post!!!

  23. SUPER impressive! I love it, and I'm always so amazed at the awesome patterns of duct tape I come across. Very inspiring!

  24. Seriously a great and creative idea. Who would of thought duct tape could be high end fashion! Thanks for sharing your inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!

  25. Shut the front door, Kristi!! You're my new makeover hero. Seriously. Zebra print duct tape? Now I HAVE to follow you.

    Just found you through SSS, where I linked up as number 52, 61 and 66. Come visit me over at

    Blessings from OKC,

  26. Love it! My office chair could use some love too and who doesn't LOVE zebra duct tape??? Thanks for sharing!

  27. This is amazing! Love the idea of duck tape.
    Orthopaedic Office Chair

  28. Now that's going over-the-top with the sticky tape; Maybe when I go hunt and buy reception desk, I can use this to cover unnecessary holes.

  29. Hi, just found you via Pinterest. You are brilliant. Now the test question: Hows it holding up, add some photos of the Now version. I really wanna try this on a hand me down pleather recliner. Please with Christmas Cheer on top. Thanks.
