DIY Easter Egg Topiary | i should be mopping the floor
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DIY Easter Egg Topiary

Had the best morning...crafting at the kitchen table with a good friend. We made Easter Egg Topiaries that were pretty easy. They took about two hours, give or take. 

The supply pile. You'll need between 2-3 dozen decorative eggs, depending on the size. I had small eggs, so I grabbed three bags of these speckled eggs at Hobby Lobby. You'll need a rattan cone and green spanish moss (try to get the green...I think the grey just a little dead and not so spring-y).  We split just one large bag of the stuff and had just enough. You could probably get a small bag for just one topiary. You'll also need your trusty glue gun with an ample supply of sticks.

My friend, Erica, purchased eggs that were intended to hang from an Easter tree. We fixed that problem quite easily. Snip, snip. The ends didn't show once we added all the moss was perfect!

Start by gluing your eggs to your cone. I did mine in a more vertical fashion, but there's no rhyme or reason. Do whatever you think looks best for you. Erica did hers in a more random pattern...which looked fabulous in the end!

Keep gluing all the way around. I used all but one of my eggs.

These are what they look like before adding the moss.

Start adding your moss, little by little in between the eggs (make sure it covers wherever the rattan shows). You'll want to add dabs (or lots) of your hot glue under the moss to keep it from coming out. Try to place your glue on the rattan and the sides of the eggs. Trying to put glue on the moss is a nightmare. I don't recommend Elmer's for this one...tried it. Mess.

There they are! Erica's pastel colors on the left are so pretty and Easter-y! 
We both decided we may have to give our topiaries haircuts to tame the mange! They're a bit "hairy". But we were both super happy with the way they turned out. I was so thankful that Erica joined the fun today. 

I propped mine on a crystal cake plate that was my grandma's. You could also put these into urns or terra cotta pots to really dress them up. I can't wait for this to be the centerpiece on my Easter buffet table (I'm hosting my entire family this!).

Quick Glue Gun Tip:

When you're ready to put a new glue stick in your glue gun, dab a but of hot glue to the new one's end...

And then glue it to the one already in the gun. It keeps the flow going and is easier than pushing that new stick in a hundred times.

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  1. Very cute and nice directions and pictures. thanks and happy easter andi

  2. Hi Kristi -- thanks for sharing this wonderful project over at CraftJunkieToo this week. I have it featured on my facebook page this week-end….:)
    stop by and grab the featured me button for your blog if you like. :)
    Have a great week-end….

  3. This is so cute! I wanted to let you know that I just posted a Spring tour of my home on my blog and I used your Easter subway art (and of course linked it back to your blog) if you want to check it out. I know I always love seeing pics of what other people do with my stuff.


  4. I love this! I'm going to wait for the after Easter sales, though, and save up some good projects for next year. An egg topiary is on my list :)

  5. Saw this over at Tatertots & Jello. I WANT ONE! And I know some things that I could use from the dollar store! One more place to add to my list of stops for the day. Can't wait!

  6. Perfect! And great step by step pics and instructions.

  7. haha, I'm laughing because I can't do a craft project without a Starbucks, either ;)
    Great topiary! I love it!

    1. Well, of course not!! The two go hand in hand, right? ;) Thanks so much for stopping by! ;)

  8. Those are seriously adorable! Such a simple yet so fun and pretty craft and that glue gun tip was awesome. Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Inspiration Friday this week! :-)

  9. Your topiaries look great. And that's a handy tip for the glue gun - how have I never heard that before!!

  10. Awesome! LOVE these! I will be making some of my own! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Ruthie @ Tattered Bliss

  11. I love these Easter egg topiaries, and after reading your tutorial I think I could actually make one! Also thanks for the glue gun tip, that will will be very helpful!

  12. Those are so pretty!! I have to say I love your white cabinet in the back beside your counters. Also, thanks for the glue stick tip and for sharing on SweetTalkin' Sunday!

  13. I love your topiaries! And your glue gun trick is awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Wow, very neat project!!

    So happy to stop by your blog, please stop by and say hello at my blog as well and if you are not already a follower, please take the time to become one as well at

    Have a blessed day!! :)

  15. These topiaries are SO cute!! What a great idea. I'm definitely pinning! Also, what a smart glue gun trick. I needed this idea so many times. Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Thanks so much, Beth! So glad you could stop by! After visiting your blog, I realize we have so much in common (same age, two boys...and I'm originally from Austin)! Always nice to meet a new friend! ;)


  16. Love how those eggs are nestled into the moss, they look so cheery. Thanks for linking up to last week's Refresh Your Nest party!

  17. Kristi, your Egg Topiary is being featured today at Dwell on Joy! Thanks so much for sharing! Have a great Easter weekend!!!

  18. Absolutely gorgeous! I love those speckled eggs. Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  19. Gah! When I read something so obvious - the dab of glue to get the next stick started . . .I could just bang my head against the wall for being so *thick*. Thank you for the great tip :-)
