Toy Story Wreath | i should be mopping the floor
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Toy Story Wreath

Just to be clear, I don't normally have a Toy Story wreath hanging on my porch...this was for my son's birthday party: The Toy Story Party!

This isn't a full photo-filled tutorial...probably because this is a pretty self-explanatory wreath. **I truly can't remember which site I originally found the idea for this...but it is somewhere out there in blog land. If this is your original idea, please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due!!**

**{Update: So happy to report that the originator of this wreath left a comment on this post. Thank you for this awesome idea, Natalie! See the original Toy Story Wreath she made here.}

For this wreath, I used:
- a 15" grapevine wreath
- various toys from Toy Story (I personally think that the Etch-A-Sketch makes this wreath unique...I used Vis-A-Vis to write on it)
- floral wire (I would use a thinner gauge so it's easier to work with)
- 3" ribbon

Step One:
I started by hot gluing army men to the top of the Etch-A-Sketch (With a little elbow grease, these can be pulled and peeled off later to use the toys again, if you like). I set it aside to cool.

Step Two:
I wrapped ribbon around the wreath...nothing fancy. Just a loose wrap. On summers & holidays home from college, I worked at a floral shop (two actually) and was terrible at arranging I was always on bow duty. I may not be able to put a dozen roses together, but I can make a mean 24 loop bow without a single hand cramp (you know what I'm talking about if you make bows). This is a skill that has proved handy to have learned all that time ago. I made the bow and wired it onto the wreath.

Step Three:
Examine your toys for inconspicuous places that they can have wire through them. I was lucky with that had many holes into a hollow backing that I could run wires through and out of another hole. You can kind of see Woody's wires around his arms (by the tops of his shoulders) in the above photo. All of the toys were then wired onto the wreath (this is where having the grapevine wreath proved essential...couldn't have done this with foam).

And there you have it!
I think this would also be darling in a kiddo's Toy Story room...on the Etch-A-Sketch, you can write the child's name or "So & So's room", etc...
To Infinity....and Beyond!

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  1. Such a cute wreath and perfect for the party!!

  2. Hi Kristi,

    I am hoping you are speaking of my wreath:)
    It was shown at this link originally.

    It is also the one wreath that started it all for me and my handmade shop.

    1. Natalie, I'm so, so happy you stopped by! And YES, your wreath was my inspiration. What a fabulous idea. Thanks so much for letting me know. I've linked back to you within the post so readers can head your way as well.
