Goodwill Lamp-ReVamp | i should be mopping the floor
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Goodwill Lamp-ReVamp

One of my awesome college roomies, Erin, has embarked on a VERY cool new adventure. I present to you: Erin Shanks Interiors. I was reading through her site recently and realized how blah my entry was. I mean, it wasn't awful. Just needed a little sumpin'-sumtin'. Annnnnd, Erin mentioned these two lamps she had found at Goodwill. I thought, hmmmm, wonder if our Goodwill has any good lamps like that right now? Well, what do you know...

Here's the before...
The table was my parents' old sofa table from their old house in Austin...I think it's almost as old as I am. I painted it black when we moved here.

The Goodwill lamps! Hello, 1990! Erin and I had a few email convos and decided red glossy paint would be perfect. Another awesome idea Erin had...drum lamp shades!

Almost done.....

I placed harlequin black & cream scrapbook paper under the glass of the table.

The End Result:
I know it's not absolutely perfect...I probably go overboard with chachkies and plant things (and this photo was taken back at Thanksgiving...hence the fall decor). And I need to do something with the basket of the tree.
But, I am so, so happy with the change!! Thank you so much, Erin! You are so awesome! These lamps were less than $5 each and I already had the spray paint in the garage. I did splurge a bit on the drum shades, but I feel like I saved sooo much on the lamps that I sort of justified it that way. ; )


  1. Those lamps look FANTASTIC;I love them !! You did a great job bringing them in to 2011. ;o)))

  2. Awww...thank you so much, DixieJet! I appreciate you stopping by!

  3. I love the pop of red it brings to the room. Color is amazing! Nicely done!

  4. This is ONE AMAZING transformation! Well done!

  5. I have two cream/brass lamps very similar to those...and my husband LOVES them...As in, would kill me if I painted them, but they would look OH SO much better! What kind of paint did you use??

  6. Perfect ! I am a lamp fanantic lol so I am lovin this!

  7. Oooh those are incredible! I am not a red fan but those are sexy! I got the biggest laugh out of your blog name too, love it! I would love to see this linked up to my VIP party tonight if you have time. Otherwise it runs every Friday through the weekend =) Hope to see you there!

  8. Wow, those lamps are so great! I've only scored at Goodwill once when it comes to lamps (, even though that's the first thing I look at every time I go. I just LOVE yours!

  9. I LOVE the bold red lamps. What a neat eye-catching entry way :)

  10. Love these lamps too!! I'm lovin your whole blog! New follower!!

    Jenna @
